Introducing OERA Board Member Karen White

Karen White
Posted January 11, 2021

At OERA we’re fortunate to have a Board of Directors made up of members from academia, industry, government and beyond. Offering a wealth of experience and diverse and informed perspectives, they help to set OERA’s direction and keep us focused on achieving our mandate. 

Karen White, an OERA Board member since 2016, is Vice-President, Crisis and Issues Management at NATIONAL PR in Halifax. Read on to learn more about what she brings to the OERA Board. 

Why did you choose to become a member of the OERA Board?
I have a passion for energy sector development and got to know the team at OERA when I worked at the NS Department of Energy. I like that OERA is connecting industry, government and academia to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the energy sector. For me, it’s a pathway to encouraging new and emerging technologies and opportunities, while enabling economic growth in Atlantic Canada. 

Which aspects of your skills and experience do you see as being most helpful and relevant to OERA?
I’ve worked in the energy sector in communications for more than a decade—energy efficiency and conservation, environmental regulations, and energy policy encouraging sector development in our region. Since joining the team at NATIONAL PR, I have guided energy sector clients as they navigated complex regulatory and stakeholder relations, developing strategic communications plans. I am also the incoming Board Chair of the Maritimes Energy Association and bring the perspective of our members to OERA Board conversations. 

Why does OERA matter? What do you see as the organization’s key offerings?
OERA is a convenor–bringing together people and ideas to find a way to safely and responsibly develop Nova Scotia’s energy resources. Working with industry, government and academia, they tackle important research questions to reduce barriers and allow for energy resource development in our region. They are an honest broker and trusted advisor when it comes to sharing technical information for sustainable resource development.